Tuesday, June 17, 2008


We had a fantastic turnout at WWKIP Day in Millennium Park on Saturday. At least 93 people were in attendance throughout the day! The weather was picture perfect, and security was baffled. We actually did overwhelm security a bit, but the end result is that we will work with the park to have an even better spot in Millennium Park next year, in the lawn, with actual shade! We want to thank Kate, Lis, Katie and Captain for helping us put this year's event together. They came to us with new ideas which really made this year better than ever, and were there to help throughout the day. Also, thanks to Kate's boyfriend for making the sign:

Photo taken by Sara.

And thanks to everyone who came out to knit, crochet and spin in public. We had a wonderful time, and we are already looking forward to next year.

It was a day of great successes, including the yarn swap run by Katie, and a collection of yarn, books and tools for Interim House run by Lis. So successful that we need your help to ship this generous donation over to them. If you could please give a few dollars to help us ship everything over, we would be eternally grateful. Any money collected that goes over the shipping total will be sent to Interim House as well.

You can contribute to shipping by clicking on the paypal donation button below:

Check out how much was collected over the course of the afternoon:

Donations collected for Interim House

And more was added after the picture was taken! As you can see, we really can use your help to pay for shipping, that is a whole lot of yarn! Thanks to everyone who contributed.

You can see the rest of the pictures at the Flickr WWKIP Day Chicago 2008 Pool.

Monday, June 9, 2008

YarnCon can't stop planning events

How much do we love playing with yarn? So much that we are back again, this time bringing you World Wide Knit in Public Day in Chicago. WWKIP Day has been celebrated in Chicago's Millennium Park for 4 years now, and we took over organizing the event last year. This year we have additional help from some fine ladies we met on Ravelry.

Join us for a fun filled day of knitting and crocheting and spinning in public on June 14th (this Saturday) from Noon to at least 4pm in the pavilion behind the "faces" fountains in Millennium Park. We suggest you bring something to sit on, sunscreen, and plenty to drink. Of course, given our location, there are lots of great places to get something to eat and drink, so the choice is yours.

The first 100 people to stop by our welcome table will receive a Yarn Crawl in a bag! There will also be a yarn swap, and collection for Interim House, so bring that yarn you know you're not going to use, and trade it or give it to folks who can really use it. There will also be a group sewing up Afghans for Afghans rectangles (7" x 9"), so if you have those, or are looking for easy knitting while you chat with your friends, bring those rectangles along.

We'll also be accepting applications for YarnCon, so if you have been thinking of applying, but haven't gotten around to it, stop by and see us at the welcome table! We'll even have the forms printed and waiting for you, so no more excuses!

YarnCon Chicago Wants You!

We know you are out there, you make yarn, yarny tools and accessories, create new patterns, embellish lovely items with yarny themes, write yarny books. You just need somewhere to sell those goods. Well, what are you waiting for? Apply to be a vendor at YarnCon 2008!

Perhaps teaching or demonstrating your craft is more your style. You are in luck, we need you as well. Drop us a line at info@yarnygoodness.com.

We want YarnCon to be the event you turn to for all things yarny. To hang out and play with yarn, to learn about yarn, to buy and sell yarn and yarny tools. But we need your help to make it happen. Last year was fantastic, but we can't stop there! We know there is more yarny love to share!